Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, an associate professor and Director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech, will be speaking in Santa Fe this Thursday evening.
As a world-class climate scientist and a Christian, Dr. Hayhoe may defy some stereotypes about the politics of religion and science. But defying stereotypes invites inquiry, which can lead to communication, even learning. It creates opportunity for thinking deeply about, and aligning, what we value and what we do. Climate change is a huge issue, and it’s one where citizen engagement is critical. That’s why her work is so fascinating: in part because it’s about climate change, and also because her main theme –faith and science –defies stereotypes.
Dr. Hayhoe will give her talk this Thursday, March 17th, from 7:30 to 8:30 at Christus St. Vincent Hospital in the Southwest Conference Room, which is adjacent to the cafeteria. Wear green this St. Patty’s day not just for the Irish but for our Earth as well. This special event is brought to you by Citizens’ Climate Lobby of Santa Fe. Consider inviting a friend so we can pack the house for these fresh insights on this crucial issue. We look forward to seeing you there!